Assembly Hall’s height 65 feet
向郡政府提出放寬高度限制,將大殿從50英呎調高為65英呎的申請,由於郡政府規劃專員要求製作一份視覺分析之補充報告,及疫情之影響,進度一再延後。最終於2021年七月一日舉辦有關本案的公聽會。許多支持信件寄到郡政府,由我方之代表人、 律師、建築師、等發言,順利獲得郡政府規劃委員們全體的投票通過!
The County’s Planning Commission recently approved our request to raise the height of our main Assembly Hall from 50 feet to 65 feet! Due to an additional visual analysis requested by the county planner and delays related to the pandemic, the public hearing for our height variance request finally took place on July 1st, 2021. Many support letters were sent to Mendocino county. We were well represented by our own spokesperson, lawyer, and architect on the day of the hearing and received the unanimous vote of the Planning Commission in favor of our request!
1A期(5棟)、1B (4棟)
Phase 1A (5 buildings), 1B (4 buildings)
1A期(5栋)、1B (4栋)
第1A期的五棟總工程仍在完成的過程中。總承包商菩提團隊與專業承包商已於2020年十二月完成第1B期的建築A(齋堂)與建築B(公共廁所)之地基與部分的水泥外牆。他們已經開始戒堂之地基,預計於今(2021)年底完成1B (4棟)之外牆與屋頂。
Phase 1A’s 5 buildings are on their way towards completion. General Contractor Team Bodhi completed the footings and part of the CMU wall of building A (dining hall) and building B (public restroom) of phase1B in December 2020. They have started the footing of building C (precept hall). The CMU wall and roof of phase 1B (4 buildings) will be completed by the end of 2021.
第1A期的五栋总工程仍在完成的过程中。总承包商菩提团队与专业承包商已于2020年十二月完成第1B期建筑A(斋堂)与建筑B(公共厕所)之地基与部分的水泥外墙。他们已经开始戒堂之地基,预计于今(2021)年底完成1B (4栋)之外墙与屋顶。
Mr. DaleHiggins已將設計600英呎緩衝區的園藝景觀設計圖,送到郡政府審批,他的工人已經將園藝景觀用的灌溉用水接到600英呎緩衝區附近,並儘快於今年種植樹苗。
Mr. Dale Higgins has designed and submitted the landscape plan of the 600 feet buffer zone to Mendocino County. His team has installed the landscape irrigation pipes to the 600 feet buffer zone, and will start to plant trees during this year.
Mr. DaleHiggins已将设计600英呎缓冲区的园艺景观设计图,送到郡政府审批,他的工人已经将园艺景观用的灌溉用水接到600英呎缓冲区附近,并尽快于今年种植树苗。

CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit) material arrived at site
Phase 1 Utility Lines Connection
The CTTB utilities group has been working with the contractor to install drinking water and fire prevention water lines from phase 1 SW corner to 9 buildings. The whole process takes about three months.

High voltage transformer at phase 1 project site
Phase 2 Schematic Designs
The project Oversight Committee has been working with the architect to finish the schematic design of Phase2. Our progress includes: Bell and drum towers, roof tiles selection, public restrooms, entry gate of phase 2, ADA accessible paths in the courtyards and 3 buildings…etc. After architect completed the schematic design in February 2021, the Oversight Committee selected a new local architect in California within our budget on March 25, 2021. We expect to finish the construction documents of the phase 2 buildings within 12 months.

The Buddha hall, Drum & bell towers and public restroom of Phase 2

The schematic design of IIPE phase 2

Dining Hall 3-Entrance Stair