整地承包商Gregg Simpson contractor 已經完成 80%排水工程,水土保持,並將於2020年四月份繼續第1B期四棟的地基,與水電管線工程。
Phase 1A (5 buildings) and 1B (4 buildings)
General contractor Team Bodhi Inc. has finished the exterior stucco wall, waterproofing of phase 1A’s 5 buildings, 95% of its interior plumbing, fire sprinklers, electrical work, and passed the County’s inspections.
Sub-contractor Gregg Simpson has completed 80% of the storm drainage, Hydro seeding for storm water prevention, and will start the utility lines connection work and foundation of phase 1B (4 buildings) in April 2020.

進度報告:第1A期( 5棟)之浴室磁磚

Wastewater facilities for the entire CTTB


Fire sprinkler systems

進度報告:第1A期( 5棟)之外牆,屋頂。

Phase 1 & 2 rendering of 12 buildings

Assembly hall’s height 65 feet
為了配合增加大殿高度之申請案,並由現有的概念圖繼續完成大殿、團書館、大齋堂之施工圖,監督委員會已於9月20日投票決定聘請其中一家,位於華府的AEPA建築師公司, 監督委員會於11月15日與AEPA的建築師初步開會,雙方即將簽定合約 。
Phase 2 architect
In order to hire an architect to prepare the height variance proposal, finish from the conceptual design of the assembly hall, dining hall and Dharma hall through construction documents, the IIPE Oversight committee has interviewed and selected the AEPA architect firm. We had a meeting with AEPA architect on Nov. 15 and will finalize the architectural service agreement soon.